「TOUCH & GOクローズショック」から結構時間が経ちましたがそろそろ末端のこの店にも影響が出てきました・・・。所謂語り継がれる名盤がT&G(もしくは1/4STICK)リリースには数多く存在しているのですが、閉鎖前にかなり余裕持ってストックしましたが幾つかのタイトルが切れたり、その在庫問い合わせがあり歯痒い思いをしています。今回何とか運良く幾つかの再ストックに成功しましたが、間違いなく数年後にはデフレな状況となるでしょう。配信では絶え間なく供給されますがフィジカルなCDやヴァイナルはその内市場から消える筈です。いつもの発注とは違うこれが最後みたいな感情込みで大量に仕入れましたがもって1年でしょう、お早めに。それ以外のタイトルもまだストックがあるものはあるので気軽に問い合わせ下さい。
BIG BLACK - Pig Pile (TOUCH AND GO/TG81) CD 1880円 (1974円)
BIG BLACK - Pig Pile (TOUCH AND GO/TG81) LP 1780円 (1869円)
BIG BLACK - The Rich Man's Eight Track Tape (TOUCH AND GO/TG94) CD 1880円 (1974円)
BIG BLACK - Songs About Fucking (TOUCH AND GO/TG24) CD 1880円 (1974円)
DON CABALLERO - Amrerican Don (TOUCH AND GO/TG218) CD 1880円 (1974円)
DON CABALLERO - Amrerican Don (TOUCH AND GO/TG218) 2xLP 2180円 (2289円)
DON CABALLERO - For Respect (TOUCH AND GO/TG120) CD 1880円 (1974円)
DON CABALLERO - For Respect (TOUCH AND GO/TG120) LP 1780円 (1869円)
DON CABALLERO - II (TOUCH AND GO/TG143) CD 1880円 (1974円)
DON CABALLERO - II (TOUCH AND GO/TG143) LP 1780円 (1869円)
DON DABALLERO - Singles Breaking Up (TOUCH AND GO/TG184) CD 1880円 (1974円)
DON CABALLERO - What Burns Never Returns (TOUCH AND GO/TG185) CD 1880円 (1974円)
DON CABALLERO - What Burns Never Returns (TOUCH AND GO/TG185) 2xLP 2080円 (2184円)
THE FOR CARNATION - st (TOUCH AND GO/TG214) CD 1880円 (1974円)
GIRLS AGAINST BOYS - Cruise Yourself (TOUCH AND GO/TG134) CD 1880円 (1974円)
GIRLS AGAINST BOYS - Venus Luxure No. 1 Baby (TOUCH AND GO/TG117) CD 1880円 (1974円)
JUNE OF 44 - Anahata (QUARTER STICK/QS64) CD 1880円 (1974円)
JUNE OF 44 - Anahata (QUARTER STICK/QS64) LP 1680円 (1764円)
JUNE OF 44 - Four Great Points (QUARTER STICK/QS54) CD 1880円 (1974円)
JUNE OF 44 - Four Great Points (QUARTER STICK/QS54) LP 1680円 (1764円)
JUNE OF 44 - Tropics And Meridians (QUARTERSTICK/QS44) CD 1880円 (1974円)
PINBACK - Autumn Of The Seraphs (TOUCH AND GO/TG300) CD+CDEP 1980円 (2079円)
PINBACK - Autumn Of The Seraphs (TOUCH AND GO/TG300) LP 2280円 (2394円)
PINBACK - Summer in Abaddon (TOUCH AND GO/TG237) CD 1880円 (1974円)
RACHEL'S - Handwriting (QUARTER STICK/QS30) CD 1880円 (1974円)
RACHEL'S - Music For Egon Schiele (QUARTER STICK/QS35) LP 1780円 (1869円)
RACHEL'S - The Sea And The Bells (QUARTER STICK/QS38) CD 1880円 (1974円)
RACHEL'S - The Sea And The Bells (QUARTER STICK/QS38) LP 1780円 (1869円)
RACHEL'S - Selenography (QUARTER STICK/QS55) CD 1880円 (1974円)
RACHEL'S - Selenography (QUARTER STICK/QS55) 2xLP 1980円 (2079円)
RODAN - Rusty (QUARTERSTICK/QS24) CD 1880円 (1974円)
RODAN - Rusty (QUARTERSTICK/QS24) LP 1580円 (1659円)
SHELLAC - At Action Park (TOUCH AND GO/TG38) CD 1880円 (1974円)
SHELLAC - At Action Park (TOUCH AND GO/TG38) LP 1880円 (1974円)
SHELLAC - Excellent Italian Greyhound (TOUCH AND GO/TG303) CD 1780円 (1869円)
SHELLAC - Excellent Italian Greyhound (TOUCH AND GO/TG303) LP+CD 1880円 (1974円)
SHIPPING NEWS - Flies The Fields (QUARTERSTICK/QS99) CD 1880円 (1974円)
SHIPPING NEWS - Flies The Fields (QUARTERSTICK/QS99) LP 1780円 (1869円)
SHIPPING NEWS - Save Everything (QUARTER STICK/QS50) CD 1880円 (1974円)
SHIPPING NEWS - Very Soon, And In Pleasant Company (QUARTER STICK/QS65) CD 1880円 (1974円)
SHIPPING NEWS - Very Soon, And In Pleasant Company (QUARTER STICK/QS65) LP 1880円 (1974円)
SLINT - Untitled (TOUCH AND GO/TG132) CDEP 1280円 (1344円)
SLINT - Untitled (TOUCH AND GO/TG132) 10" 1180円 (1239円)
SLINT - Spiderland (TOUCH AND GO/TG64) LP 1680円 (1764円)
SLINT - Tweez (TOUCH AND GO/TG138) CD 1880円 (1974円)
STORM AND STRESS - st (TOUCH AND GO/TG173) CD 1880円 (1974円)
STORM AND STRESS - st (TOUCH AND GO/TG173) 2xLP 2180円 (2289円)
STORM AND STRESS - Under Thunder And Fluorescent Light (TOUCH AND GO/TG203) CD 1880円 (1974円)